Connecting the split-ends...

An act of Love not Hate.

Just a few days after the renaming of the Student Union building to the Stephen Bantu Biko building, campus awoke one day, to find that one of the pictures had been vandalised.

It is no secret that it is mostly the white students who hang out at the Union. It is a sad, sad truth that it has been over 30 years since Biko's passing and it seems we are still struggling to find common ground.

Most of us assumed that the student who smashed the picture was a drunk white student, angry that the name had been 'imposed' on him and his kind. We assumed that this was an act based on race. An act of anger.

Afront, SisVic, Dave and Hippychick, however, would like to beleive that Biko can still unite us, that there is something we can all take from what the man stood for.

That, is essentially, the basis of our comic; that in our search for commong ground, neither need compromise their world. Thandi can remain as black as she wants because Dave is only interested in learning about her and her world as it is. Love and Biko are their common ground.

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