Connecting the split-ends...

Combatting first year spread: Tricks of the trade.

Ok, it's time to address the devil that isn't in sheeps clothing - but under yours! ;p

It is a phenomenon that has been documented and observed for years and years that still plagues University students all over the world to this day, turning tight buns into thunder thighs, and ripped abs into saggy flab. It is the issue of 'first year spread', otherwise known as 'unwanted love handles' or 'that beer boop that you just can't get rid of.'
Well, the secret is out, and now you have the chance to see an end to the embarassing culmination of rampant first year partying and indulging that has left you body a little worse for wear and not exactly 'summer ready'.

I have spoken to a few fitness/health experts and here are a few tips that will help you combat the fat:

1) The best form of cardio is to wake up in the morning, have a large glass of water, and go for a run, remembering to constantly vary the intensity of your stride throughout. Try speed-walking or slow jogging on the uphills, while supersetting that with 200m sprints on the flats.

2) As you get into a routine, you can try adding different exercises that you stop to do periodically on these runs, such as sets of push-ups, pull-ups or sit-ups.

3) Remember not to stop for too long during any of these intervals. It is essential that you keep your heart rate up so that you can continue to burn fat, so even if you are tired after you are finished a set, get up and continue with a medium-paced walk/jog.

4) DO NOT EAT within 45 minutes before/after your exercise routine. Studies have shown an increase in the amount of calories burnt when food is not consumed within this time period.

5) If running isn't your thing, just try to remain active AT least 3 times a week (preferably 5-6 times.) You can do this with any sort of physical activity. If you find normal exercise mundane/boring, just play some sport, whether its squash, tennis, some fun touch rugby or even a swim (which is brilliant cardio depending on the intensity.)

Good luck with the task ahead. Don't see it as a daunting process, a comfortable pace for permanent weight loss is set at a kilo a week, so it can take a short 8-12 weeks and you can be set towards having that summer body that you've always wanted. Or for some of the more lucky readers, less than a month before you are there!

One final thought : The experts say that its 80% what you eat and 20% exercise, so even if you are exercising vigorously, it is essential that you watch what you put in your mouth too of course! So cut down on the fast food and fried chow, its really best to be avoided if you want to get anywhere with these tips! For more information on this, there will be a recommended dietry suggestions coming up soon.

And lastly, remember - exercising doesn't have to be something to detest, if you can get into it you can really start looking forward to feeling that burn. So stop being lazy, get off your asses and lets get jamming people!


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