Connecting the split-ends...

An Act of Love, Not Hate

By caeri
a comic strip!

2 comments so far.

  1. nonnie October 17, 2008 at 7:15 PM
    The act of love, Not Hate is a light hearted comic strip which touches on serious issues faced by inter-racial relationships. The two students of different racial groups seem attracted to each other however the initial equilibrium which is their attraction to each other is disrupted by their friends and social lives. One finds characters functions from Propp's theory, we have a princess who can’t be with her love due to society's perceptions, and one could view ‘society’ as a villain who keeps these lovers apart.

    One finds in the comic that the hero, (the guy in love) ends up being the villain, since he is the one, who stole the picture (victim) from the Union, thus causing a disruption to the initial equilibrium at the beginning of the story. However the hero being the villain was indirect result of him trying to re-store the equilibrium disrupted by society (villain) which justifies why he stole the picture (victim), so as to capture the princess’s heart. The picture which the hero steals can also be seen as a donor when looking at the young lovers’ tale, as it helps the love birds express their feelings for each other.

    This comic could be seen as a story within a story, due to the three stories present that interlink and their equilibrium disruptions end up aiding each other.

    Great comic strip guys...very brave and its good to see us, as the youth tackling these hidden issues amongst our society. Thats the only way to move forward, by facing the situation at hand.
  2. Dan October 20, 2008 at 6:53 PM
    Your comic is not only entertaining, with a nice and easy to follow storyline, but it also makes use of a bunch of conventions. The fact that you had a progressive timeline was really cool because the story automatically becomes more intricate and less “one dimensional”. The flashback halfway through was a clever touch too. Your use of characters was also good, the way you portrayed the picture thief as a false villain was original and even though the end result was rather predictable, the story was still entertaining to follow. Finally, your use of props was another good touch, adding a greater effect to your story. Nice comic.

    Crazy Dan

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