Connecting the split-ends...

When we party...

Category: , , By AFROnt
Perv party, lingerie party, flirt party, pimps and ho's, shorts and stunners...

Thursday, 9th October; girls brave the cold and dorn their shortest shorts. Word is, the students (male) organising the latest hot party; 'the shorts and stunners party' are offering free tickets to all girls spotted with short shorts on that day. The tickets cost R10.

Visions of girls lined up at the Kaif awaiting inspection and approval by the organisers immediately spring to mind. Something about this picture does not sit well with me.

I found myself questioning the worth of every girl's thighs. If I were for sale, I would like to believe that my thighs would cost more than R10?

It seems every party on this campus has to have some sexual connotation. It also seems as though we, female students, have taken it upon ourselves to become the girls described in the hip-hop music videos; girls whose shorts get them free tickets and the occasional free shots.

The reality is that these dress codes are hardly ever directed at our male counterparts (unless they are being instructed to come dressed as our pimps). I am no expert, but surely not being ashamed to associate or indeed identify ourselves with words like ho (translation: whore) and pervert, is telling of how much value we place in ourselves and our sexuality?

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